I was there

by Abhi Dattasharma

I know someone who just turned fifty.
Incidentally, I was there when his friends
were celebrating it.

I was not a part of the game, but
I was.  Everybody made me to be. 

Can I thank them, or should I?
For letting me in, for
letting me know?

I thought I knew about him.  But
I understood that I didn't.
Now I wonder, do I, even now?

Hello, there.

Reach out, and climb.
Breaking away, from summit to summit.
Sing, the way sunshine flashes out...

or maybe, like rain.

Filling others, making others feel.

Getting it back.

Happy birthday.
And you have many mores to come, better ones.


Je ne peux pas vous oublier.
je ne vous oublierai pas.